La source d'embellissements en français pour le Scrapbooking
. GalerieS Astuces Papotage

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C`est l`amour

Elles ont aimé !

Bellen blazen (blowing bubbles) de Cootje
Produits utilisés :
Embellissement Scrap Négatif Photo, de 3 cm de haut, en Carton bois Embellissement Scrap Engrenages, en Carton bois

This is my son, blowing bubbles. A friend of mine - a photographer - made this picture and coloured the bubbles green. I found paper that matched with that green colour and so this layout was born ;-) The little "carton" bubbles are the centers of "engrenages".






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A partir de 1.95 € !*
GRATUIT à partir de 50 €


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